How to make the transition to working from home

How to make the transition to working from home For many traditional office-workers, working from home has now become the new normal. For some it’s an easy transition to make, while for others, it can be a struggle. If you find yourself struggling to adapt to this new way of working and living, here are … Read more

Who inherits your super?

There are only certain people who can inherit your super when you die. There are also two different types of nominations you can make. Here’s what you need to know before making your super beneficiary nomination. Super is different from other assets, such as your house, because the trustee of your super fund ultimately decides … Read more

Unintended consequences of Government COVID-19 Policies

For every action there is a reaction. And while we’re not criticising the government’s policy response to COVID-19, we recognise that such intervention often has unintended consequences.  Take lower interest rates for instance. Central banks intended to make the cost of investment cheaper and be stimulatory. Instead, Australian households borrowed more money to buy bigger … Read more

Geopolitical risks for the economy and investments

The world has always been challenged by the dynamics of geopolitics. The nature and magnitude of associated conflicts may transition and manifest across varying contexts but, broadly speaking, geopolitical risk is ever present. The fierce competition between the powerhouses of the East and West has been watched closely by many. The trade war between the … Read more

Economic Update

Market and Economic overview Australia The coronavirus ‘curve’ of known cases has flattened out, suggesting social distancing measures have been successful in slowing the spread of the disease. The focus is now on a gradual easing of restrictions – people will gradually start returning to work as non-essential areas of the economy start to function … Read more

Dividend cuts – what can investors expect?

Since the financial crisis more than a decade ago, investors have had to search much harder for income as savings rates have plunged. Many have looked to the equity market to help them achieve better income returns, with large numbers of companies increasing dividend payments to shareholders as they have grown. It is likely that … Read more

Market Insight – Staying the Course

While it can be hard to stay in the market when share prices plummet, now is not the time to panic. The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has triggered a share market crash, in Australia and internationally. Since 31 December 2019, when the first cases of the new virus were reported in China’s Hubei province, the disease … Read more

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