What to consider when choosing an investment option?

Choose investments that are right for you. When it comes to choosing an investment option when you join a super fund, there are several key questions you should ask yourself: Do I understand how asset classes work? What is my level of comfort with risk? What type of returns am I looking for? How long … Read more

Getting smart about savings

Saving money doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Some people are wired to save – for others it takes a bit more discipline; but developing good savings habits can do so much for both your financial wellbeing and your future security. Just like money compounds over time, so do our habits. The more we see progress, … Read more

Avoid the superannuation death tax

While there has not officially been any death duties in Australia for decades, they definitely still exist, albeit under another name – superannuation death benefit taxes. As superannuation assets and individual balances continue to grow, more and more Australian families will receive a rude shock after the death of a family member in the form … Read more

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